ALV popup based on classic style REUSE_ALV_POPUP_TO_SELECT function module

This is sample ALV popup based on REUSE_ALV_POPUP_TO_SELECT function module (classic style). It includes only buttons for ENTER and CANCEL to make this dialog simple for a user. Other buttons related to ALV standard functions are excluded.

Here the sample popup:

and the related coding:

REPORT zkm_test.


PERFORM display_popup.

FORM display_popup.

    BEGIN OF ls_popup,
      text(60) TYPE c,
    END OF ls_popup,
    lt_popup   LIKE TABLE OF ls_popup,
    lt_fcat    TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
    ls_fcat    TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
    lt_excl    TYPE slis_t_extab,
    ls_excl    TYPE slis_extab,
    lv_exit    TYPE c.

  ls_popup-text = 'First line'.  APPEND ls_popup TO lt_popup.
  ls_popup-text = 'Second line'. APPEND ls_popup TO lt_popup.
  ls_popup-text = 'Third line'.  APPEND ls_popup TO lt_popup.

  ls_fcat-col_pos = 1.
  ls_fcat-fieldname = 'TEXT'.
  ls_fcat-outputlen = 60.
  ls_fcat-seltext_m = 'Title of the table'.
  APPEND ls_fcat TO lt_fcat.

  ls_excl-fcode = '&ETA'. APPEND ls_excl TO lt_excl.
  ls_excl-fcode = '%SC'.  APPEND ls_excl TO lt_excl.
  ls_excl-fcode = '%SC+'. APPEND ls_excl TO lt_excl.
  ls_excl-fcode = '&OUP'. APPEND ls_excl TO lt_excl.
  ls_excl-fcode = '&ODN'. APPEND ls_excl TO lt_excl.
  ls_excl-fcode = '&ILT'. APPEND ls_excl TO lt_excl.
  ls_excl-fcode = '&OL0'. APPEND ls_excl TO lt_excl.
  ls_excl-fcode = '&CRB'. APPEND ls_excl TO lt_excl.
  ls_excl-fcode = '&CRL'. APPEND ls_excl TO lt_excl.
  ls_excl-fcode = '&CRR'. APPEND ls_excl TO lt_excl.
  ls_excl-fcode = '&CRE'. APPEND ls_excl TO lt_excl.
* ls_excl-fcode = '&AC1'. APPEND ls_excl TO lt_excl. " cancel
  ls_excl-fcode = '&ALL'. APPEND ls_excl TO lt_excl.
  ls_excl-fcode = '&SAL'. APPEND ls_excl TO lt_excl.

      i_title               = 'Title of the popup'
      i_selection           = ''
      i_screen_start_column = 1
      i_screen_start_line   = 1
      i_screen_end_column   = 62
      i_screen_end_line     = 10
      i_tabname             = 'LT_POPUP'
      it_fieldcat           = lt_fcat
      it_excluding          = lt_excl
      e_exit                = lv_exit
      t_outtab              = lt_popup.

  IF lv_exit = 'X'.
*   cancel
*   do action


See other related notes on my website:

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