Have you activated New General Ledger (New GL) and are you missing
ledger-specific documents in the reports, which select data using the logical database BRF?
The positions of such documents are stored in the table BSEG_ADD instead of BSEG.
Logical database BRF is also able to read these positions but you have to control it
with flag in structure B0SG.
REPORT ztest_brf.
* specify logical database BRF in attributes of the report
b0sg, bkpf, bseg.
b0sg-xadoc = 'X'. " this flag orders logical database BRF
" to read positions from table BSEG_ADD
GET bkpf.
WRITE: / bkpf-belnr.
GET bseg.
WRITE: / bkpf-belnr, bseg-buzei.
See other related notes on my website: